Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5: NEW QueryAble
Click the Map to Query Sourceforge may block file_get_contents(), if so, try:working example (same code) click here
To use the query, you need remote_get.php (in tar, zip files). Then turn on querying: omap.doQuery = 1. and set omap.mapQueryCallback to handle the query result. see the javascript in this page for an example or: omap = new WMap('div',layer); omap.doQuery = 1; omap.mapQueryCallback = function(queryResult){ alert(queryResult); // or, since alert's are so annoying // convert '\n' to '<br/>' var qr = queryResult.split('\n').join('<br/>'); // where 'somediv' is the id of a div $('somediv').innerHTML = qr } you will likely want to parse out select results, not just dump like this... Please send suggestions on how to implement querying, this is just a first cut.